We are just coming out of an 80+ degree weather spell so that makes it a little hard to think about fall and winter decorations, but where we live waiting a day could mean the difference between the 80 degrees and a foot of snow. We are hosting the family Christmas this year so I have been looking for ways to make our outdoors as pretty and festive as the indoors. One of the things I would like to do is light the two trees we have in our front garden so they are a treat to see when you come up the driveway. Now days there are so many options in string lights it can make your head spin, but my suggestion if you live in an area with limited snow cover is to consider Solar lights, not only do you not have to worry about plugging them in each night but you will save on your electric bill as well. Hammacher Schlemmer has a 32.9' strand that is guaranteed for 10,000 hours of light and includes two rechargeable batteries in red, green, blue or white for only $59.95. If you plan to order more than one set be sure to use coupon code WWGRDN, good for free shipping on any order over $85.00.
Even less expensive than lighting is using your existing planters that held all your beautiful flowers during the summer and switching them out for fall. All you need are some things collected from the outdoors, dried grasses with feathery tops, fall branches with colored leaves (these you can change out when the leaves fall) a few branches from Curly Willow, a Walking Stick plant or twisted branches, and some evergreen. All you really need to do is place these items right into your dirt you used for your flowers. If you keep the dirt watered you will keep your grasses a little longer, but remember, in a very cold climate freezing will make it hard to get your items out to switch for the Holidays if you want, and it may also damage your container.

I would love to hear your creative and low cost or no cost ideas! If you need more inspiration check out the articles at About.com, they have a whole section devoted to outdoor decorating. I hope you are all having a great weekend.
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