\TRAHNSH\ ~ noun
DEFINITION: a division or portion of a
pool or whole
EXAMPLES: "The funds are doled out in tranches over
time…." — From an article in The Economist, March 10, 2012
1917 law … allowed $8 billion in national debt, the first tranche of an
ultimate $30 billion debt to fund World War I, repayable in gold." — From an
article by David Malpass in Forbes, February 27, 2012
DID YOU KNOW? In French, "tranche" means "slice." Cutting deeper
into the word's etymology, we find the Old French word "trancer," meaning "to
cut." The word emerged in the English language in the late 19th century to
describe financial appropriations. Today, it is often used specifically of an
issue of bonds that is differentiated from other issues by such factors as
maturity or rate of return. Another use of the French word "tranche" is in the
French phrase "une tranche de vie," meaning "a cross section of life." That
phrase was coined by the dramatist Jean Jullien (1854-1919), who advocated
naturalism in the theater.

Planning on getting a few house projects done before old man Winter shows up? If you are here are a couple of rebates that may interest you. The first is from Glaze ‘n Seal driveway sealant, get $10 back on each 5 gallon pale of Glaze ‘n Seal, up to $100 total. To get your rebate just print the
rebate form and mail it in together with your original dated cash register receipt dated before November 1st. All requests must be received before November 30, 2012 and all rebate checks must be cashed with in 60 days from the date of issue.

The other rebate is from Thompson's WaterSeal. They are offering $4 back on each gallon of their WaterSeal Advanced Wood Protector and $3 back on each gallon of their WaterSeal Waterproof PLUS Wood Protector. You can get up to $12 back for the sealers, additionally you can get up to another $9 back on their wood cleaners. All the information on mixing and matching is on the
rebate form. You will need to mail in the form together with your original cash register receipt(s) dated between April 7, 2012 and October 6, 2012 with the purchases circled and the original UPC codes from the containers. There is only one offer allowed per address so make sure you have all the products together before you mail in your request.
I hope you are all having a great week so far.
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