Monday, March 19, 2012

Not sure where to start..

I know I have folks who are wondering what is going on lately, like my beautiful Sister-In-Law Mary, who knew something was up because it was always Monday on my blog (I told her I am going to call her Nancy Drew from now one).  So, its time to crawl out of my funk and let you all in on what is going on.  I went in to my Dr. when I felt a lump on my breast, and after a subsequent mammogram, ultra sound, needle biopsy and 4 days of nervous waiting since it was a weekend I finally got the results back last Tuesday.  I was positive for stage one non aggressive breast cancer.   As horrible news goes, it was the best scenario since it was caught early and is non aggressive.  I have spend the last week meeting with my Dr. a couple of times and my surgeon to go over options.  This week I have an MRI appointment, Radiological consult and another appointment with my regular Doctor for pre-surgical stuff. 

I know I could have just come out and said I have some medical issues to deal with, but I wanted to get this message out to everyone ~ my tumor did NOT show up on a mammogram, only the ultrasound picked it up.  I am diligent about my breast health because my maternal grandmother had it as well as my mother, it runs in the woman of our family.  If you notice ANYTHING unusual let your Doctor know right away, DO NOT WAIT!  I am at stage one because I didn't wait, and I know that a mammogram is only a tool, it is not a definitive answer.  More and more breast cancer is being cured not just because of the great strides in the medical field, but because woman are becoming more and more aware of what they need to do to advocate for them selves.  Never be afraid to speak up!

I have a wonderful blogger set up for next weeks Make a Friend Monday, I feel bad for putting her off for a week but wanted to get the word out on what was going on.  I will also probably have Bernie from One Mixed Bag do a guest post or two for me while I am out of commission following surgery.  If anyone else would like to do a post feel free to let me or Bernie know.

Thank you so much for your patience while I wrapped my head around a huge change in my life, I really appreciate it.



  1. Wishing you hope & strength, Michelle. You're very blessed to have caught this early -- I, too, am always on the alert for signs & symptoms, since I lost a half-sister to breast cancer a few years ago. Have faith & be strong through all this. Having lots of medical tests and procedures can be stressful, but hang in there, it's just a speed bump on the road of life. You will be fine.
    Lori (Day) Harty

  2. "Never be afraid to speak up!"

    Words to live by.

    Good thoughts to you, Michele.

  3. Oh, honey! I am so sad to hear this news. I can only imagine the shock it must have hit you with. I am glad that you caught it early anf you message is a good one (I was feeling myself up as I read you post!) I went through years of battling skin cancer with my first husband, who could have avoided the entire thing had he insisted on a biopsy when he first discovered the lump at the base of his skull. Instead, he ended up dying due to non-treatment for a very long time. Getting these things caught early can make all the difference.

    I'd like to tell your younger readers who are planning on having children that breastfeeding will GREATLY reduce your risk of breast cancer. You always hear the benefits to the baby, but rarely hear how it helps moms, too.

    Anyway, you'll be in my thoughts and I'll be sending some positive energy your way. I'm not sure what I could to do help, but please let me know if you think of anything at all that I could do.

  4. Sending love and hugs to you, Michele, today and always! Love, Cheryl

  5. Sending positive thoughts your way and keeping fingers crossed that all will work out okay. Good luck.

  6. I'm just so very thankful that you listened to her instincts and got it checked out. I'm also very proud you went though the needle biopsy. *shudder*

    I will be happy to help out with the blog anyway I can. You know that I love to you the sun, the moon and back again.

  7. Oh CQ I am sorry to hear that you have to go through any troubles, but I am very glad you listened to your instincts and it's early.

    You are a good and kind soul and I will pray that everything goes very well and you heal quickly.

    If I can do anything to make things easier for you please let me know.


  8. Oh my. Hugs to you during this time. All the best.

  9. Wishing you already have courage!

  10. May strength, patience and peace be yours as you fight this thing. Hugs and prayers.

  11. I am so sorry I just found out. I am traveling and Internet has been spotty so I have been out of the blog reading loop. You are strong and so able to fight this! I know it! And to have found it so early is the best thing as you said. Surround yourself with all the things that give you comfort and make you feel loved and know that this boggy stalker friend who just recently found you is thinking about you and praying for you. Sending hugs and love.

  12. So glad you caught this early! You inspired me to schedule a mamomgram. It's been 6 years since since my first. I just said a prayer for you.

  13. My dear friend, I hate this disease for you, and for all of us women who are reading and will suffer from it in the future. This past year was the first time I didn't have to have a 2nd mammogram or follow up x-ray for the last 15 years. I had to have a needle biopsy then so know what that wait is like. I only wish yor result were the same as my own. I have breast cancer as close as my maternal grandmother, and am diligent as you. You've just reminded how important this is.

    I wish you the best outcome possible, and the speediest of recoveries. And may G-d bless you with good results for the rest of your life! I know you are a strong woman, and that will come through this no worse for the weather.

  14. My dear friend, I hate this disease for you, and for all of us women who are reading and will suffer from it in the future. This past year was the first time I didn't have to have a 2nd mammogram or follow up x-ray for the last 15 years. I had to have a needle biopsy then so know what that wait is like. I only wish yor result were the same as my own. I have breast cancer as close as my maternal grandmother, and am diligent as you. You've just reminded how important this is.

    I wish you the best outcome possible, and the speediest of recoveries. And may G-d bless you with good results for the rest of your life! I know you are a strong woman, and that will come through this no worse for the weather.

  15. Michele - I am so sorry... but you are lucky that they caught this early.. you are so right, breast health is so important, and so many people don't realize it. A mamography only sees so much. I am very cautious too because both my grandmothers had it... It is such a common disease, but fortunately so many strides have been made... You will be in my thoughts and prayers...

  16. Michele- I am so sorry Hun! I was wondering where you were. I am here for you if you need anything at all. Big prayers said!!! Xoxo

  17. Just thinking about you CQ and hoping you are doing okay. Big hug to you!!

  18. Ugh, I'm sorry! That's so scary. I'm glad they caught it early and I have no doubt you'll make a full recovery :)


I love to read your comments, but due to spamming I have had to turn on the word verification again. Sorry for the extra step.