Make a Friend Monday

Today I would like to introduce you to Kate and Bernie from the new We're Not Mommy Bloggers community. Its a brand-new community designed to fill a niche specifically for bloggers who, for whatever reason, don't have kids; whether by choice or circumstance.
Tell us a little about yourself and your blog or blogs:
Katie: My name's Katie, and by day, I'm a lowly college admissions counselor. Right now, my job keeps food on the table, but what I'm really passionate about is writing. I'm currently pursuing my dream to be a writer and have actually had a few freelance gigs. I live in Georgia with my husband and our three cats. I blog at Chicken Noodle Gravy and, more recently, at We're Not Mommy Blogs. We're Not Mommy Blogs is a community blog for the bloggers out there without kids. Bernie of One Mixed Bag and I felt there was a void that needed filling in bloggy land, so we created this community for "the rest of us." We host a weekly hop and have a Not Mommy Blog directory so that people can add their blogs and connect.
Bernie: My name is Bernadette. Everyone who knows me and loves me calls me Bernie, except my husband. .I grew up in Duluth, Minnesota and currently live in Billings, Montana with my husband Mr. Bernie, our three cats and dog. I do interviews on our local Pact T.V. station for the Museum of Women's History. I get to interview women about their lives, since I'm nosy, this is a fun thing for me to do! I have a very small Etsy shop, Budugalee where I sell vintage looking cards I make.
This weekend my friend, Katie, and I started a brand new blog called We're Not Mommy Blogs Neither of us have kids and realized that most blogging communities were geared towards Moms who blog. There are some amazing and funny Mom's who blog. However, we thought it would be fun to have a community for bloggers who don't have kids. With hops, contests, posts all kid free. Be sure to check us out!!
I have have one blog of my own; One Mixed Bag. A humor blog babbling about whatever crosses my mind that day. It could be about my husband running around in a helmet and a cape or how I can't bake angel food anything to save my soul! On Wordless Wednesday's I post funny vintage ads with snarky comments.
What do you consider your greatest personal achievement?
Katie: This is a tough one, but I guess I consider my greatest personal achievement as being published. It's a writer's dream to see her name in print, and when that day finally arrived, I felt like I was on my way. I still have a long way to go, but baby steps can make a journey.
Bernie: Wow! That is a hard question. I can't narrow it down to one. In high school I won a fully paid scholarship to be an exchange student in Hiroshima Japan for a summer. I used to have a column in my hometown paper. My biggest achievement to date is being published in Minnesota Moments magazine. I have dreams of being published nationally one day, maybe even a book. I'm quite lazy so sitting down to write chapters for a book hasn't really happened yet. Dare to dream the impossible dream......
Where is your favorite place to hang out on the Internet?
Katie: My favorite place to hangout on the Internet would have to be the new We're Not Mommy Blogs community and my writing community The Lightning and the Lightning Bug. I've met some really great people through blogging and both of these communities allow me to connect with them even more.
Bernie: The same place as millions of other people, Facebook. I need to keep up with the drama in everyone's life. Who did what to who and so on. Its a mini soap opera. I also like to cruise some digital scrapbook sites for fun vintage images. My friend's blogs to keep up with them. I may not be good at commenting, but I do check in on them.
If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would that be?
Katie: I would meet my Papa. Papa was my Daddy's grandfather, and over the years, I have heard so many wonderful things about him and the man he was. I would love to meet him just once to tell him how much I love him and how much he's influenced my life and my writing.
Bernie: Dorothy Parker. She was a famous writer and wit in the 1920's. One of her most famous quotes is, "Men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses." She was snarky, funny and mean. Everything I aspire to be, except the mean part. I would love to sit down with her for a drink and have her just babble at me.
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?
Katie: This probably won't come as any surprise, but I would want to be a writer. If I could turn my freelance gigs into a full-time job, I'd be in heaven.
Bernie: When I was younger I really wanted to be a History teacher. I love history! I love to write humor, but love to read history. The 40's fascinate me for so many reasons. Since I won't be going to get a degree in this lifetime, I would love to be a paid writer. Someone who could write amazing things and get paid big bucks for it. Heck at this point, pay me a dollar for my writing and I'm yours!
Favorite movie or TV show?
Katie: My favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life. I'm a movie fiend, so this is sometimes hard to say, but classic movies are my favorite, and anything by Frank Capra is a winner in my book. It's a Wonderful Life reminds us all that there's more to life than money and sometimes your dreams are right in front of you just waiting for you to reach out and grab them.
Bernie: Practical Magic is my all time favorite movie. I try to watch it at least once a year. I loved MASH. When the show ended I sobbed like someone ran over my cat. I wrote MASH 4077 on a piece of paper and took it to bed with me. Yes, I was that kind of dork. Years later our local theatre put on the play, MASH, and I was in the cast. A huge thrill for me.
To join the hop just follow Living on Less in the #2 spot and visit this weeks featured blogger in the #1 position. Be sure to let them know you are stopping by on the hop and leave a nice comment for them if you like the blog be sure to follow them by what ever means works best for you, GFC, Facebook, Twitter, or G+. Remember, we all love to read our comments so please leave a thoughtful comment, not the "following, please follow back" post. Have a great week everyone!

Thanks so much for the feature! We really appreciate it and are so excited about your new hop :)
ReplyDeletePS - I'm going to come back in the morning to link up my newest post (on We're Not Mommy Blogs). I'll be back!
DeleteThanks for your great interview. I am so greatful to you and Bernie for agreeing to me my first! :)
DeleteHow exciting, a brand new hop! Thank you for hosting and thank you for featuring us. I'm hoping this will be the go to hop for Monday hops!
ReplyDeleteBernie, thanks to you and Mr. Bernie for your help with the techinical issues. Thanks for your great answers to the interview questions, I can see why you and Katie work so well together, you are like Peanutbutter and Jelly. ;)
DeleteThis is a no brainer to visit this hop!!! Love each and every one of you! So excited about Bernie and Katie's new blog and about this new blog hop!!! Yay! Thanks for sharing your talents, ladies!! You all rock!
ReplyDeleteBeth Ann you are so sweet!! I am glad you like the new hop, I had a lot of fun putting it together (with a little help from Bernie). I love getting to know my fellow bloggers better. Thanks for joining in today.
DeleteDream,Bernie, dream. With your talent, you have the potential to make it national in the writing world. Eye on the goal and forward.
ReplyDeleteI keep telling her that too! She is a great writter, but she is her own worst critic. Thanks for joining the hop today, hope you have fun.
DeleteOh, Audrey! You have to be one of my biggest cheerleaders. You don't want me to write a book because I will send you cookies and make you proof it. *lol*
DeleteHi there! I found you via We're Not Mommy Blogs - and blog hops scare me to death, but I felt like I sorta needed to participate in this one, because I've loved Katie's and Bernie's writing for forever. They're certainly a couple of amazing women, and I'm excited to participate in these new projects to find other amazing writers.
ReplyDeleteNatalie I am so glad you decided to join our little party, with any luck the fun will grow. No need to be scared, I don't think any of us are biters. ;) Have a wonderful week!!
DeleteGlad you hopped on over Natalie! Thank you so much. You are too sweet. We are excited to have you on board with the new project as well!
DeleteWell, I've already stopped by the We're Not Mommy Blogs which, as I commented over there, was a totally awesome idea - us non-moms or cat moms (which don't really count, I've found, no matter how much your cats act like children) have to stick together - and this hop doubles the amount of awesome.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to "meeting"/getting to know more of you.
I am so glad you stopped by, I agree about being a cat mom 100%, they don't listen at all, even if you offer goodies, so nope, they are not kids. ;) I hope you enjoy the hop and get to know some new fun bloggers.
DeleteGood lord if Cat moms counted most of us could never have a group. *lol* So glad you stopped by!
DeleteHello friend I haven't met yet! I wandered over from One Mixed Bag!
ReplyDeleteAndrea, you always make me smile when I see a comment from you!
DeleteHello Audrea, I am very happy to meet you!! Thank you so much for stopping over from one of my favorte blogs, Bernie makes me laugh every morning! Hope you meet more great folks here. :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh that was fun! I will be going to meet them both.
ReplyDeleteMy Uncle in Law wrote for MASH Bernie, I think he won an emmy for the episode where it was in real time from the patient's perspective.
I'd love to be featured CQ.
Meg I am so glad you could drop by, hope your toothies are feeling better!! Bernie will be so excited when she sees your post, its like 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon with MASH. ;)
DeleteExcellent interview with two fab ladies. I'm excited to see this community grow.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy their new community, I think it was a wonderful idea! Hope you stop back for more of the Make a Friend Monday hops. :)