Here are today's questions:
1. I wish I had more time to _________?
2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
3. Where will you eat Thanksgiving dinner?
4. What is your favorite time of day?
5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
1. I wish I had more time to _________?
Scrapbook, even though I have all day to get things done it seems like I only get to scrapbook about once a month. I have no idea where the time goes!
2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Vichyssoise is my all time favorite, I tried it when I was really young, out to dinner with my folks and grandmother and it was a fun night so I associate it with a great memory as well as just being yummy!
3. Where will you eat Thanksgiving dinner?
We are having it here at our house with my Niece and her boyfriend. I am looking forward to having them here for dinner.
4. What is your favorite time of day?
I like the night time, when I snuggle into bed with my iPad and check my FlipBoard app for all the stuff I missed and either read a little or play a game of Bejeweled or Chuzzle.
5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?
I am almost done shopping and will finish up online. I am going to have to go to Target at some point for our prescriptions in December and am dreading it, I think I will have hubby take me so he can park at the curb and I can do a dash and grab. I can't stand shopping this time of year!!! Baaa, humbug. I love Christmas, just not the trappings.
Have a great week everyone!
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I love to read your comments, but due to spamming I have had to turn on the word verification again. Sorry for the extra step.