Every Monday Java over at Never Growing Old hosts a Meet me on Monday blog hop that is always fun and helps to introduce new folks. Hop on over and check it out!!
Today's Questions:
1. Have you (only you..not a group) ever won first place in anything?
2. Are your toes always painted (sorry guys...this question for girls only)?
3. What color eyes do you have?
4. Look to your left....what do you see?
5. Soft cookies or crunchy cookies?
1. Have you (only you..not a group) ever won first place in anything?
In High school I got first place in the swim races for gym, they asked me if I wanted to be on the swim team but I loved swimming and said no because that would have taken the fun out of it. More recently I won the Duluth Photo of the Day contest on October 13th, 2010 with the picture above.
2. Are your toes always painted (sorry guys...this question for girls only)?
3. What color eyes do you have?
They are a grey blue color and remind me of an overcast day, I don't care for the color much. My friends Jen and Bernie have beautiful colored eyes, Jens are almost neon blue and Bernie's are the color of brown mink, soooo pretty, me, not so much.
4. Look to your left....what do you see?
Empty printer ink boxes that are reminding me I need to buy more ink, I saved the boxes so I could remember to get the right kind.
5. Soft cookies or crunchy cookies?
Soft, I don't want to loose a tooth eating a cookie, that just doesnt seem right. My hubby loves the hard ones because he can dip them in milk so our cookies work out perfect, unless he runs out, then he will eat mine too.
Have a great Monday everyone, enjoy the blog hop!
I love soft cookies too... especially fresh out of the oven!!
ReplyDeleteI really think a goal for the new year should be submitting more pictures to contests. Your good.
ReplyDeleteI almost posted the same thing. All mine is finally off. It was a sad day.
I think your eyes are pretty. They get all sparkly and dance when you are laughing. I'm not sure if it just the tears of laughter or not.
Oh, you will be getting custody of the laptop soon, remember to bring those up.
Soft cookies are a little joygasam.
you know I've never lost a tooth eating a cookie but I have chipped one of my front teeth eating sourdough bread one. I couldn't believe it.
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of people who dip cookies in milk, but I like them just as they are. To me they are way to soggy in milk:(
ReplyDeleteLove your picture. You should start entering more contests!!!
Great answers! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am now following you.
ReplyDeleteThat is one incredible photo. It would make a great calendar photo. No wonder you won!
ReplyDeleteUgh, to buy printer ink! *runs away* That stuff is so expensive I think companies should be busted for extortion.
I'm glad you played. :)