"Major League Baseball's only cross-console video game series debuts on Nintendo DS with its 2010 season release. MLB 2K10 features all the teams, players, and venues of Major League Baseball, based on the most recent 2009 rosters. The "Total Hitting Control" system allows players on offence to swing for the fences, aim for a well-placed fair ball, or foul out of play, to work against the pitcher's stamina in a full-count battle. The "Batter's Eye" feature occasionally gives players a momentary preview of a pitch will cross the plate, depending in part on the skill and accuracy of the athlete at bat. On defense, the game's "Total Control Pitching" system is designed to allow pitchers to put the ball right where they want it, working the corners to wear the hitter out and tempt him to take a swing at a tough pitch."
~ T.J. Deci, All Game Guide ~
wii Game
This version of the game is available at both Buy.com and DeepDiscount for $38.00 with free shipping.
Play Station 2 Game
This version of the game is available at DeepDiscount for $18.99 with free shipping.
Play Station 3 Game
This version of the game is available at Glyde for $27.75 which includes a $3.47 shipping fee.
XBox 360 Game
This version of the game is available at both Buy.com and DeepDiscount for $38.99 with free shipping.
PC Game
This version of the game is available at Walmart for $17.96, if you want it shipped there will be a shipping fee of $0.97 as well as tax.
PlayStation portable game
This version of the game is available at DeepDiscount for $18.99 with free shipping.
Nintendo DS
This version of the game is available at DeepDiscount for $18.99 with free shipping.
If you don't mind a used version you can check your local Game Stop, Second Spin or FYE, they may have much lower prices but be sure to check each stores policy on used game returns. As always there's eBay as well, just remember to check the sellers shipping fees.
I found a few coupons for the above retailers as well:
Buy.com is offering $5.00 off of a $100.00 purchase for new customers, you can find the coupon click through at Retail-me-not.
Glyde has a couple coupons so you will need to see which one is the better deal based on your order, use coupon code DTAKER3 to get $3.00 off of any game purchase or coupon code GLYDE5 for 5% off your entire purchase.
I hope you are all having a great weekend.
I used to have a hand held baseball game in the 80's. I don't know why I had it, I was never a big fan of baseball. This looks like it would be much more fun to play.