Not too long ago I had my email hacked into and it sent out a virus to a lot of folks in my address book, luckily I was able to get the problem corrected and no one got a virus from the malicious attack, but it did drive home the point of being safe no matter what you do. McAfee is running specials on their 2010 anti virus software of 50% off until January 31st. They have different software bundles depending on your computer usage. You can check out all the coupons for McAfee at WOW coupons.
I am a member of Life Lock and love the peace of mind and security it brings, I used to be an insurance agent and we had a few clients who had their identities stolen and I can not begin to tell you what a nightmare it was for them! Life Lock is offering a 30 day free trial and a 10% discount. This is one program I highly recommend because it can save you a ton of money and a lot of heart ache if you ever need their services.
Not a lot of folks still write checks at stores but they are still handy for paying the bills. A common check scam is something called check washing. The thief gets a hold of your checks, usually in the out going mail, and soaks them in a solution that literally washes off your writing. They keep your signature on the check then write in what ever they want for the rest. Right now Uni-ball is giving away free pens that are designed to prevent check fraud. You have to be over 18 and live in the lower 48 states. They are giving away 10,000 pens each day on a first come first served basis starting at noon Central time. This promo is set to go through April 30th.
Once the bills are paid remember to shred any papers with your personal information that your not going to need for your taxes. Office Max offers a shredding service that is available in their stores and is priced per pound, this is great if you have a bunch of stuff that you need to get rid of now, if you don't already own a shredder you can find one at Staples that will cross cut up to 8 sheets, regularly $49.99 but right now there is a $20.00 rebate, bringing the final cost to $29.99.
Do you have a home office? Does the door lock? You would be amazed at how many people answer no to having a lock on an office in their home. If your house should ever get broken into the last thing a bugler wants is to spend MORE time getting an interior door open. A good quality lock will be a deterrent to a thief and stop any snooping by children, maintenance workers or acquaintances. Home Depot is having a sale on all their door hardware right now and if you order on line they have free shipping on orders over $49.00.
These are all easy things you can do yourself that will help keep you and your family safe. Have a wonderful week everyone.
Thanks for the tips. Who knew about "washing checks?" I will have to set the alarm to sign up for that pen. Great tips!