The picture...
One of the fun things my hubby and I were able to do this year was go to one of our local fairs. We don't do a lot when we go, I love the colors on the midway (if you can call it that when they are this small) and the animal barns. I have a special place in my heart for the merry-go-rounds and all the animals on them, but this one had mirrors around the top which made for a great picture that had an old and new feel with the colors of the fairground in the reflection with the background black and white.
The deal...
This is kind of a big deal for me, Ebates announced that they are offering 3% cash back at certain departments of Amazon! Amazon is a place that notoriously does not partner with reward sites, which has had me questioning a lot of purchases over the years. Now with this partnership I am hoping that is will grow to even more departments as time goes on.
I hope you are all having a great week, mine has been very busy; as is the rest of the month which has left me playing catch up with the blog and Facebook pages. I wish I could promise it will get better soon but I think in all honesty it will be like this for a bit while I try to cram a whole summer's worth of fun into a couple of months.
Thanks for hanging in there with me, I really appreciate it!

This is great to know, thanks for passing it along! I'm so glad you made it out to a fair. We don't seem to have one, or at least it's not easy to find, here. I miss it, as our family always looked forward to the fair every year. Happy Thursday!
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