Sunday, February 20, 2011

Calling all readers...

This evening Bernie over at One Mixed Bag and I went to do out weekly Meet me on Monday blog hop and found that Java who hosts it has decided to leave her blog in favor of more family time.  We truly enjoyed doing the Meet me on Monday hops but totally understand Java's reasoning and wish her nothing but the best.  So long story short, Bernie and I were talking last night trying to figure out what we were going to do on Monday's now and thought maybe we could co-host a blog hop of our own, that left just a couple of questions, not the least of which is figuring out how to start something like that.  We are up for the challenge but would love to know what you, our faithful followers would like to see in a blog hop.  Do you like the Meet me on Monday's where you get to know each other or a Monday's Moments where you post something awe inspiring or inspirational, could be a story, a video, a picture, or Monday's Riches with a picture, coupon, deal for something indulgent or over the top, or or or well you get the idea.  We want your in put so we can put something together that will take off and that you all will enjoy coming back to each week.  Looking forward to what you all have to say!

Have a great week everyone!



  1. I am so glad you are doing this. I like the MMOM questions or the Monday Moments one also. All the best.

  2. What a great idea! I'd love to see something like this: Give everyone a writing prompt, like they do for kids in school, and have them write a post. Or you could just post a picture and have everyone write a short story or poem - silly, dramatic, whatever. OR... come up with a single subject and see what people can come up with to write about. For instance, maybe "blue sea". I can see stories, memories, or even photos posted. Then again, the MMOM questions were pretty fun, too!
    I can't wait to see what you come up with. I had just joined the MMOM hop and was really getting into it.

  3. I also was thinking of a meme, because I liked the MMoM so much. I hope Java comes back to express her wishes... it would be sad to see it just abandoned... I thought about running the MMoM, as well, but I don't think I would do it unless there was a consensus or something.

    Anyway, I like MMoM or something like it-- short questions. No story-writing, no inspirational writing. That takes too long, IMHO. Short Qs are nice, and ppl can add their own lengthy anecdotes if they wanted to.

    Just my 2 cents.

  4. My Monday was motley...but I did miss responding to that bar hop...whoops,,, blog hop thing you and Bernie miss. Ya'll a tag team, I notice. And I commented back on your recent comment to my mix..and if you're a Rap fan you're a Kanye fan..fess up.



I love to read your comments, but due to spamming I have had to turn on the word verification again. Sorry for the extra step.